Prayer Meeting
There are exciting changes happening in the Church and the world around us. We are very expectant of what the Lord has in store for us this year and want to open our hearts to His will.
Coming up on the 1st Wednesday of every month we want the church to come together as we seek God's will for this new season.
The next prayer meeting will take place on Wednesday 2nd October, from 6-7pm. Invite a friend, or come along with your life group! We look forward to seeing you there.

Central Prayer and Worship
We meet termly as a whole church to press into prayer, worship, and the prophetic.
These evenings are so powerful and we hope to see the Holy Spirit move as we pour out our hearts to Jesus.
Our next Central Prayer & Worship evening will take place Tuesday 15th October. We hope to see you there!

St Dionis Prayer Practises
The Examen
The Examen is a historic Jesuit prayer, first used by St Ignatius of Loyola. Here’s a walk-through of our version of the Examen, which we suggest you use in the evening in order to reflect prayerfully on your day. It can be a really helpful way to ask Jesus to gently refine us, remould us and recentre our lives on Him daily.
How to pray the Examen: The four R's
1. Remember
In your mind, walk back through the events of your day. Begin at the beginning, when you woke up. When did you feel close to God? When did you feel most alive? Pay attention to your emotions as you recall the day.
Were there any moments when you had a particular sense of God’s presence, or that he might have been speaking to you?
2. Rejoice
Thank God for those moments in the day that were miniature gifts to you. Every single day, there will be something to thank him for, however small (or big) it may be. This part of the Examen helps to form in us an attitude of gratitude to the God who is present in all things, and from whom everything good flows.
3. Repent
As you recalled the events of your day, did anything come to mind that you felt uncomfortable with before God? You recalled when you felt most alive. Conversely, when did you feel least alive; least human? To repent simply means to apologise for, and to commit to turn away from, that which you know to be wrong. Repent of anything you did, said or thought that you sense dishonoured our loving God.
4. Recentre
Think about the day ahead tomorrow. How, tomorrow, can you move closer to those things (perhaps practises, places or people) that helped you to feel most alive in Christ? Dedicate your next day to God, asking him to be Lord of your day. Ask his Holy Spirit to recentre your heart, mind and body in him now, and always.

We support IJM financially and in prayer
IJM is a global organisation with a plan to eliminate the slave trade everywhere.
Would you like prayer?
We want to stand together as a church through hard seasons in one another’s lives. Our team are happy to pray for you in their own private prayers, or by phone if you would prefer that. You are welcome to email us at:

Our clergy team are also available to offer pastoral support and prayer, should you so wish.