One way that we express our sense of belonging to the community of St Dionis is by giving - whether in terms of our time, energy or talent, and financially St Dionis receives no external funding from the Church of England - we need to meet our running costs ourselves. So we rely almost entirely on the giving of the local church family to finance our mission and ministry at the heart of Parsons Green.
Click the 'Donate with ChurchSuite' button below to donate to St Dionis online:
{for Regular Giving see next section}
How to set up Regular Giving to St Dionis church:

Standing Order Details:
Bank: Metro
Name: St Dionis
Sort code: 23 05 80
Account no: 1734 0627
Don't forget your Gift Aid Declaration below!
Parish Giving Scheme (PGS):
Sign up to the Parish Giving Scheme online HERE (or using the QR code above)
(St Dionis PGS code: 230623189)
Sign up via the PGS Telephone Service: 0333 002 1271
Fill out a PGS form, available from church, and return to the church office.
*If you wish to make any changes to your Direct Debit, you should notify a member of the PGS team by phone 0333 002 1260 or email at
For UK taxpayers, we are able to reclaim 25p for every £1 given, at no extra cost to you. To allow us to claim Gift Aid on your behalf, please complete the declaration below:
Please claim Gift Aid on my donations to St Dionis Church (Charity Number 1132734). This includes all donations for this year and the previous four years, plus any future donations, unless I notify you otherwise.
I confirm that I am a UK taxpayer and have paid or will pay sufficient Income or Capital Gains tax in each tax year to cover all the tax that will be reclaimed by all the charities or Community Amateur Sports Clubs to which I have made Gift Aid donations in any tax year covered by this declaration. I understand that I am responsible for paying any tax shortfall.
Please let us know if any of your personal details change, or if you no longer pay sufficient tax on your income and/or capital gains.
If you would prefer to complete a paper version of the Gift Aid declaration form, please download the form here and email your completed declaration to or drop in to the church office (Monday - Friday, 8.30am - 4.30pm).