We would be delighted to meet you in person to discuss what we offer here at St Dionis that best fits with your own personal experience of the Christian faith. Please contact our Administrative Operator, Judith, on 020 7731 1900 or at admin@stdionis.org.uk to discuss a meeting.
Baptism/Thanksgiving for a child
For Christian parents who fully intend to bring their children into the life of the local church through Baptism (or Christening – two words for the same thing), this Church of England link provides helpful background information. Christenings | The Church of England
For parents who are wondering what attending Church feels like or are exploring Christian faith for themselves, the following page outlines an accessible service to celebrate the birth of a child without requiring any expression of personal Christian faith on the part of the parents or a commitment to join in with church at other times: Thanksgiving services | Church of England Christenings

Adult Baptism
For adults who have not previously been baptised this link may be helpful. Adult Baptism | The Church of England
If you have already been baptised (maybe as a young child) and would like to explore renewing the baptism vows and statements of faith (made on your behalf at your baptism) as an adult, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We would love to explore options with you.
*Photo credit: Laura Hicks @laurahicksphotos